Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Model for the New WEB Sentinel

Who was it that said:
   "The mediocre borrow, The great steal the whole thing."

If I am going to steal a web model I need to be sure to steal the best stuff. After checking other papers' web sites (love NYT, hate SJ Mercury News) and various blogs over the past two years I have decided to steal wholesale from Gawker.

Gawker is a NY based blog, one of a family created by Nick Denton. Over the past several years, Nick has not only developed multiple blogs but has boldly experimented with different advertising models, comment models, and compensation models as well as tweaking his designs. He predicted the steep drop off in revenue, not only for the print media but for blogging media and ruthlessly disposed of under performing blogs. He cut expenses and his are a few of the sizeable blogs/web sites that are profitable.

What are some of the things I think are great about the Gawker model?

    Lots of Posts - I would guess that in a 24 hour period Gawker posts about 40 items. The posts start early in the morning (west coast time) and continue until late in the evening. I check it several times a day. This is very good for page views which will drive advertising revenue.

    Repeated Topics - Gawker's posts tend to be grouped into categories such as Gossip Roundup, Media Crack, Open Caption.

    Good Comment Handling - to gain commenting privileges, one has to audition by submitting a "clever" comment. Once approved, you get a user name and password. If your comments are stupid, boorish or boring you can be executed. Check out the current Sentinel's online comments and tell me how many you think should be executed. (I say, kill the whole bunch and let God sort them out.)

    Transparent Metrics - each post starts with a short intro; to read the rest you have to click through. This provides a metric on the "interestingness" of the post and is used to compensate the contributors.

    Not Afraid of Outbound Links - check any newspaper's web site for outbound links. What? You don't find any? Hey, you gotta place nice in this business.

    Natural Threading - reading a post and realize you missed an interesting earlier post or related one? Gawker's links make it quick and easy to see the entire "thread" of posts.

    Clean Design - the design has been refined over time and is reasonably clean. Too many newspaper sites have so much junk, advertising and widgets that you get a headache staring at them.

    Good Use of Photography - Gawker uses small photos aside many posts with a larger photo or photos inside. They always give credit where due on photos -- something the Sentinel currently does not do well at all!

If you're not familiar with Gawker go to: www.gawker.com

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What to Print in the new Web Sentinel?

What to Print?

The key word is LOCAL. I will focus on subjects of interest to the 150,000 people who live in the Santa Cruz area: roughly from Ben Lomond/Bonny Dune to the Watsonville border.

What are these subjects?

local politics
local sports
local arts & entertainment

This is pretty much what all papers write about though the old Sentinel didn't seem to traffic much in gossip. But if we've learned anything from the Internet, it is that there is no limit to the public's interest in and consumption of gossip. So I'm going to have it and have lots of it.

I'll expand on each of these categories later.

What Not to Print

Even though we are a WEB page our visual real estate is still very valuable. What you leave out defines you as much as what you put in.

    No Stock Prices or Charts
    Hey, my readers track their stocks and the market on Yahoo, Google and WSJ. I don't bring anything to the party. I will do articles on local businesses.

    No AP or NYT Reprints
    Again, my readers get that from Google and the NYT.

    No Classifieds, Job Listings etc ...
    Craigslist owns that. Only a fool would spend time competing there. (In fact, I've got a nice idea for a weekly article based on Santa Cruz related Craiglist postings ...)

    No National or World News
    Again, NYT, Google and Yahoo are all over this. Leave it.

    No Ugly Ads
    This is one area where existing newspapers have really messed up. I'm assuming we'll have our share of display ads and ad links on our pages. However I'm going to make sure that the design and look of the ads does not detract from the site's clean appearance. Even if I have to turn down an ad.

In the next post we'll talk about how many articles per day, and how we'll organize things.

A Web Based Newspaper in Santa Cruz Part I

What if, tomorrow, the owners of the Santa Cruz Sentinel decided to shut the paper down? Suppose you were the paper's editor and you got a few months severance pay. You think: "this city needs a paper; I'm not going to get a newspaper job anywhere else, I'm too old to get into something new; this is a fresh start and I can do it the way I want to. I am free from the constraints of bosses, of the need to print and deliver."

I am not a greedy guy but I can't run it for free or on charity forever.

I can't really afford to screw up. After all, this is my livelihood we're talking about. So I'd better sit down, figure out what works (and do it) and what doesn't work (and don't do it.)

Things I've Got to Figure Out

  • What's going to be in my "paper"?
  • How do I measure success and progress?
  • What are the keys to success?
  • What do I want to avoid?
  • Who's going to be on the team?
  • How do I organize the team?
  • Where will we get the money?
  • Who is going to "own" this?